New publication from AIAS/SHAPE Fellow Maj Nygaard-Christensen
AIAS/SHAPE Fellow Maj Nygaard-Christensen has published the article "Mange udsatte menneskers adgang til digitaliserede sundhedsløsninger sker i periferien af det etablerede system" (eng.: "Many vulnerable people's access to digitised healthcare solutions happens at the periphery of the established system").

The publication was written in collaboration with Venus Athena Vangsgaard Fabricius and has been published in the Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research journal STOF.
The article focuses on digitalisation and social vulnerability, and is based on Maj Nygaard-Christensen's SHAPE grant and the project supported by Helsefonden that she is working on in her AIAS/SHAPE Fellowship.
The article describes how people in vulnerable positions have more health-related challenges than the general population, but at the same time experience many challenges when navigating the digitalised society, which together make their encounter with the digitalised healthcare system challenging.
Read the article here.