Aarhus University Seal


Presentations and proposals at conferences, seminars etc.


  • Renée Ridgway presented the working paper "The future of search is semantic: exploring Google's Knowledge Graph and chatbot Gemini as political artefacts" at the 7th Innovation in Information Infrastructures Workshop, ESADE Business School, Barcelona, on September 17.
  • AIAS-SHAPE fellow Maj Nygaard Christensen gave the talk ‘Digital service journeys at the urban margins’, September 16.
  • Renée Ridgway presented the working paper "Embodied Ethics: Alternative search, LLMs and the question of provenance" and participated in the symposium/workshop Search Engine Ethics, University of Birmingham, Centre for Digital Cultures, on September 13.
  • Amanda Karlsson attended the conference Popular Health & Social Media with the talk "Peer-patienthood on social media: the interplay of knowledge, illness and platformed affordances", University of Siegen, Germany, from September 12 to 13.
  • SHAPE researchers Anton Elias Holt, David Wegmann, Miriam Brems, Anja Bechmann, Peter Danholt, and Renée Ridgway participated in the Democracy & Digital Citizenship Conference 2024, from September 3 to 4.
  • Jessica Walter and Anja Bechmann participated at ICA 2024 postconference on P3: Power, Propaganda, Polarisation, Brisbane, Australia, June 26 to 27.
  • Renée Ridgway gave the presentation "Ethics and values in FOSS: sustainability of open-source development" at the OW2 conference in Paris, France, June 11 to 12.
  • Patrick Heiberg Kapsch and Peter Danholt participated at DASTS conference 2024, June 6 to 7.
  • Miriam Brems gave a presentation on alternative news media and their users for the Danish Media Board, May 23.
  • Miriam Brems gave a presentation on alternative news media in Denmark, Brønderslev Gymnasium, April 23.
  • Peter Danholt gave the talk ”Algoritmers etik og etik som algoritme” at the conference 'Den datadrevne velfærdsstat: Revolution, reform eller ro på værdierne?', 18 April. 
  • Renée Ridgway presented "Reverse search warrants: how leaky legislation facilities Google locative data surveillance", TU Dresden, March 19 to 22.
  • Ole Sejer Iversersen gave a presentation on 'Technology literacy for all' and the importance of introducing technology literacy as a mandatory part of school curriculums at the OffDig conference, March 6.
  • Patrick Heiberg Kapsch gave the presentation "Datafication as mundane sociotechnical practices: An ethnographic study of placed vulnerable children" at research seminar at University of Copenhagen, January 12. 


  • Peter Danholt gave a talk on citizen-involving research at the symposium Citizen Science i Midten, 22 August
  • Pablo Velasco presented “Prácticas crítico-técnicas en tecnología digital: crítica desde el sur global” [Critical-technical practices in digital technology: critique from the Global South] at Coloquio Pensamiento latinoamericano sobre tecnología [Latin American Thought on Technology.] Online conference (online), UABJ/UNAM Mexico, 24-26 May
  • Renée Ridgway presented "Subjectivities of search or Agencies of anonymity? The black box (Google) versus the black bloc(Tor)" at the symposium Human Agency, Digital Society and Data-Intensive Surveillance, Paris Institute for Advanced study, 22-23 May
  • Christian Ulrik Andersen presented "Testing the Black Box: Material Aesthetics in Contemporary Art and Digital Culture," at the symposium Human Agency, Digital Society and Data-Intensive Surveillance, Paris Institute for Advanced Study, 22-23 May
  • Christian Ulrik Andersen presented "Facial Interface Culture - Filters, Fakes, Flaneurs, and NFTs" at ISEA2023 Paris, International Symposium on Electronic Arts, 16-21 May
  • Renée Ridgway gave the online presentation Matters of care? Capturing therapy chatbots' transactional data exchanges through critical feminist screenshotting at STS conference, TU, Graz University of Technology, 10 May
  • Ole Sejer Iversen was keynote at FabLearnDK 2023, 27 April
  • Renée Ridgway gave the presentation Critical Feminist Screenshotting at the conference 'AI and Archives: Exploration, Possibilities and Challenges, organised by University of Sussex, UK/Sussex Humanities Lab & Feminist Stack, 27 April
  • Peter Danholt gave a presentation on active (digital) citizenship at Aarhus Municipality's conference on citizenship at Dokk1, 28 March
  • Renée Ridgway gave the online presentation Critical Feminist Screenshotting at the conference 'Algorithms for Her: Feminist Approaches to Digital Infrastructures, Cultures & Economies', Sheffield U.K., 23 March
  • Christian Ulrik Andersen organized and presented at panel at transmediale festival 2023, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 2 February


  • Renée Ridgway gave the presentation "Coach, ally or friend? Surrogate care of therapy chatbots as transactional exchanges", Iberoamerican University Puebla, Mexico, 9 December.
  • Ole Sejer Iversen presented at the UNESCO Conference on Citizens' Rights in relation to Artificial Intelligence, 5 December. 
  • Peter Danholt gave a presentation about IoT for GeoMidt/GTM's IOT-networkom (Region Midtjylland, Favrskov Kommune), 29 November.
  • Winnie Soon gave the presentation and was part of the Hong Kong panel at "Instilling an undertow: Micro-autonomous art practices and inquiries around P2P", 28 November. Read more here.
  • Peter Danholt gave the presentation "The data-driven as ontology" at the SHAPE and ADD symposium "The data-driven welfare state? From digitalisation to datafication", Aarhus University, 17 November. Read more about the symposium here
  • Ole Sejer Iversen was Keynote at the Ministry of Education's conference Digitalisation Days with the presentation "It looks fun, but do they learn anything?", 10 November.
  • Patrick Heiberg Kapsch presented the article "Exploring user agency and small acts of algorithm engagement in everyday media use" at the conference ECREA 2022, 18 October. Read the abstract here.
  • Peter Dalsgaard presented the paper "Four Challenges of Designing Digital Services to Support Participatory Design" at the conference NordiCHI 2022, 10 October. Read the abstract here
  • Peter Danholt gave the presentation "The intrusion of the digital?". Democracy & Digital Citizenship conference, Roskilde University, 30 September.
  • Renée Ridgway gave the presentation "Subjectivities of search vs. Agencies of anonymity: Reimagining Google's organisational theology through Tor's recursive public" at Democracy & Digital Citizenship conference, Roskilde University, 29 September.
  • Renée Ridgway gave the presentation 'The Future of Search: exploring virtual assistants (AI) through a critical ethnography of the self' at the conference. Digital Futures in the Making: Imaginaries, Politics, and Materialities, Department of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History, University of Hamburg, 14 September.
  • Peter Danholt gave the presentation 'AI in/of a more-than-human world' at the AI and the Humanities conference, Aarhus University, 7 September.
  • Peter Danholt gave a presentation at Region Midt's Business Intelligence conference, 10 February.