Presentations and proposals at conferences, seminars etc.
Renée Ridgway presented the working paper "The future of search is semantic: exploring Google's Knowledge Graph and chatbot Gemini as political artefacts" at the 7th Innovation in Information Infrastructures Workshop, ESADE Business School, Barcelona, on September 17.
Renée Ridgway presented the working paper "Embodied Ethics: Alternative search, LLMs and the question of provenance" and participated in the symposium/workshop Search Engine Ethics, University of Birmingham, Centre for Digital Cultures, on September 13.
Amanda Karlsson attended the conference Popular Health & Social Media with the talk "Peer-patienthood on social media: the interplay of knowledge, illness and platformed affordances", University of Siegen, Germany, from September 12 to 13.
SHAPE researchers Anton Elias Holt, David Wegmann, Miriam Brems, Anja Bechmann, Peter Danholt, and Renée Ridgway participated in the Democracy & Digital Citizenship Conference 2024, from September 3 to 4.
Renée Ridgway gave the presentation "Ethics and values in FOSS: sustainability of open-source development" at the OW2 conference in Paris, France, June 11 to 12.
Patrick Heiberg Kapsch and Peter Danholt participated at DASTS conference 2024, June 6 to 7.
Miriam Brems gave a presentation on alternative news media and their users for the Danish Media Board, May 23.
Miriam Brems gave a presentation on alternative news media in Denmark, Brønderslev Gymnasium, April 23.
Peter Danholt gave the talk ”Algoritmers etik og etik som algoritme” at the conference 'Den datadrevne velfærdsstat: Revolution, reform eller ro på værdierne?', 18 April.
Renée Ridgway presented "Reverse search warrants: how leaky legislation facilities Google locative data surveillance", TU Dresden, March 19 to 22.
Ole Sejer Iversersen gave a presentation on 'Technology literacy for all' and the importance of introducing technology literacy as a mandatory part of school curriculums at the OffDig conference, March 6.
Patrick Heiberg Kapsch gave the presentation "Datafication as mundane sociotechnical practices: An ethnographic study of placed vulnerable children" at research seminar at University of Copenhagen, January 12.
Peter Danholt gave a talk on citizen-involving research at the symposium Citizen Science i Midten, 22 August
Pablo Velasco presented “Prácticas crítico-técnicas en tecnología digital: crítica desde el sur global” [Critical-technical practices in digital technology: critique from the Global South] at Coloquio Pensamiento latinoamericano sobre tecnología [Latin American Thought on Technology.] Online conference (online), UABJ/UNAM Mexico, 24-26 May
Renée Ridgway presented "Subjectivities of search or Agencies of anonymity? The black box (Google) versus the black bloc(Tor)" at the symposium Human Agency, Digital Society and Data-Intensive Surveillance, Paris Institute for Advanced study, 22-23 May
Christian Ulrik Andersen presented "Testing the Black Box: Material Aesthetics in Contemporary Art and Digital Culture," at the symposium Human Agency, Digital Society and Data-Intensive Surveillance, Paris Institute for Advanced Study, 22-23 May
Christian Ulrik Andersen presented "Facial Interface Culture - Filters, Fakes, Flaneurs, and NFTs" at ISEA2023 Paris, International Symposium on Electronic Arts, 16-21 May
Renée Ridgway gave the online presentation Matters of care? Capturing therapy chatbots' transactional data exchanges through critical feminist screenshotting at STS conference, TU, Graz University of Technology, 10 May
Ole Sejer Iversen was keynote at FabLearnDK 2023, 27 April
Renée Ridgway gave the presentation Critical Feminist Screenshotting at the conference 'AI and Archives: Exploration, Possibilities and Challenges, organised by University of Sussex, UK/Sussex Humanities Lab & Feminist Stack, 27 April
Peter Danholt gave a presentation on active (digital) citizenship at Aarhus Municipality's conference on citizenship at Dokk1, 28 March
Renée Ridgway gave the online presentation Critical Feminist Screenshotting at the conference 'Algorithms for Her: Feminist Approaches to Digital Infrastructures, Cultures & Economies', Sheffield U.K., 23 March
Christian Ulrik Andersen organized and presented at panel at transmediale festival 2023, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 2 February
Renée Ridgway gave the presentation "Coach, ally or friend? Surrogate care of therapy chatbots as transactional exchanges", Iberoamerican University Puebla, Mexico, 9 December.
Ole Sejer Iversen presented at the UNESCO Conference on Citizens' Rights in relation to Artificial Intelligence, 5 December.
Peter Danholt gave a presentation about IoT for GeoMidt/GTM's IOT-networkom (Region Midtjylland, Favrskov Kommune), 29 November.
Winnie Soon gave the presentation and was part of the Hong Kong panel at "Instilling an undertow: Micro-autonomous art practices and inquiries around P2P", 28 November. Read more here.
Peter Danholt gave the presentation "The data-driven as ontology" at the SHAPE and ADD symposium "The data-driven welfare state? From digitalisation to datafication", Aarhus University, 17 November. Read more about the symposium here.
Ole Sejer Iversen was Keynote at the Ministry of Education's conference Digitalisation Days with the presentation "It looks fun, but do they learn anything?", 10 November.
Patrick Heiberg Kapsch presented the article "Exploring user agency and small acts of algorithm engagement in everyday media use" at the conference ECREA 2022, 18 October. Read the abstract here.
Peter Dalsgaard presented the paper "Four Challenges of Designing Digital Services to Support Participatory Design" at the conference NordiCHI 2022, 10 October. Read the abstract here.
Peter Danholt gave the presentation "The intrusion of the digital?". Democracy & Digital Citizenship conference, Roskilde University, 30 September.
Renée Ridgway gave the presentation "Subjectivities of search vs. Agencies of anonymity: Reimagining Google's organisational theology through Tor's recursive public" at Democracy & Digital Citizenship conference, Roskilde University, 29 September.
Renée Ridgway gave the presentation 'The Future of Search: exploring virtual assistants (AI) through a critical ethnography of the self' at the conference. Digital Futures in the Making: Imaginaries, Politics, and Materialities, Department of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History, University of Hamburg, 14 September.
Peter Danholt gave the presentation 'AI in/of a more-than-human world' at the AI and the Humanities conference, Aarhus University, 7 September.
Peter Danholt gave a presentation at Region Midt's Business Intelligence conference, 10 February.