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Research activities in SHAPE


  • Rachel Charlotte Smith received a grant from DFF for the research project ‘Participatory AI for Alternative Sustainable Futures (P-AIA)’, December. Read more here
  • Christian Ulrik Andersen received a Carlsberg scholarship for the monograph: "Minor Tech", December. Read more here
  • Renée Ridgway organized the public workshop "Re:search - comparing, critiquing and contemplating search results" in collaboration with Code & Share and artist/programmer Anders Visti, DOKK1 in Aarhus, November 30.
  • SHAPE organized the workshop “Cyber security in curriculum” in collaboration with Happy42 and ARTS for teachers at BSS and Humanities, October 23 and 24, and November 8.
  • Peter Lauritsen was a keynote speaker at the Digital Curriculum Closing Conference, October 3. Read the presentation here.
  • Peter Dalsgaard received a grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark for the research project: "Experimental Surprise: Pursuing Unexpectedness in Scientific and Artistic Practices", October. Read more here
    Peter Danholt received a grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark for the research project: "
    Cultures of Data Collaboration", October. Read more here
  • Anton Elias Holt, David Wegmann, and Anja Bechmann participated in "Workshop on Social Media and its Impact on Society", Aarhus BSS, May 27.
  • Anton Elias Holt, David Wegmann, and Anja Bechmann organized and participated in the knowledge sharing workshop "Hosting Online Experiments", organized collaboratively by DATALAB (Arts) and Center for Hybrid Intelligence (Aarhus BSS), May 2.
  • SHAPE hosted the conference The Data-Driven Welfare State II in collaboration with ADD and AIAS, April 18.
  • Cecilie Eriksen visited the DIS-TRUST Research Team at RUC, April 2nd. 
  • Ole Sejer Iversen was keynote speaker at the OffDig conference 2024, March 5 to 6.
  • Renée Ridgway participated in the workshop "Rethinking Web Search: Laying the Foundations for a Value-Based Open Internet Search and an Open Web Index" at CAIS (Centre for Advanced Internet Studies) in Bochum, Germany, February 13.
  • PI and professor in SHAPE Peter Dalsgaard receives the Elite Research Award for his innovative research in the interaction between humans and technology.
  • AIAS-SHAPE fellow Nicholas Haas receives AUFF NOVA grant for project on political ideology in the Global South.


  • SHAPE's Digital Literacy and Machine Learning project hosted the third of 3 workshops on machine learning for members of DM - Danish Trade Union for Academics, 12 June. 
  • SHAPE's Digital Citizenship project participated at the Nordic STS Conference 2023 in Oslo with a panel on 'Sociotechnical Datatstudies', 7-9 June.
  • Antoinette Fage-Butler is part of the international project "Sci-AI", which investigates how AI affects our trust in science. The collaboration is organised by the University of Hamburg and TU-Braunschweig. 
  • SHAPE's Digital Literacy and Machine Learning project hosted the second of 3 workshops on machine learning for members of DM - Danish Trade Union for Academics, 22 May. 
  • Patrick Heiberg Kapsch and Peter Danholt moderated the workshop StudenterTing: Data, democracy and trust? for students across programmes at Aarhus University, 16 May.
  • Antoinette Fage-Butler hosted a Circle U. workshop on participation and citizenship: "Risk, future narratives and sustainability", 12 May.
  • Anja Bechmann participated in panel on 'infodemics' at Matchpoints 2023, Aarhus Universitet, 11. maj. 
  • SHAPE's Digital Literacy and Machine Learning project held the first of 3 workshops on machine learning for members of DM - Dansk Magisterforening, 3 May. 
  • SHAPE co-organised the workshop AI Images and the Democratization of Art together with Centre for Aesthetics of AI Images, 3 May. 
  • Anja Bechmann participated in video interview with DM - Dansk Magisterforening about her research and participation in the think tank on tech and democracy for the Nordic Council of Ministers, April.
  • SHAPE co-organised a seminar on the impact of digitalisation on law together with Department of Law, Aarhus BSS, 26 April.
  • Renée Ridgway participated in the workshop ELSA (Ethics, Legal, Social Aspects of Open Web Index search), Technical University, Graz Austria, organized by TU Graz and Open Search Foundation, April 19-20
  • Anja Bechmann is co-author of the report from the Nordic Think Tank for Tech and Democracy: A Nordic approach to democratic debate in the age of Big Tech - Recommendations from the Nordic Think Tank for Tech and Democracy, April 18.
  • SHAPE's Digital Literacy and Machine Learning project, in collaboration with DR - Danish Broadcasting Corporation, launched teaching material on machine learning for Danish school students, 20 March.
  • Magnus Høholt Kaspersen and the rest of the SHAPE-project 'Digital Literacy and Machine Learning' organised a workshop on the platform ml-machine.org in collaboration with Dokk1, where it was also hosted, February 22. Read more here. 
  • Ole Sejer Iversen presented for the Children and Education Committee in the Danish Parliament under the auspices of the national alliance for digital technology understanding on February 9.
  • Christian Ulrik Andersen co-organised the research workshop 'Toward a Minor Tech' in London on January 18-20. The workshop was organised in collaboration with DARC (Digital Aesthetics Research Center), Centre for the Study of the Networked Image, London South Bank University and King's College London. The outcome of the workshop was presented at transmediale festival in Berlin on February 2. Read more here.


  • SHAPE, together with the Human Futures research programme, co-organised the seminar AI and Creativity, 19 December.
  • SHAPE, in collaboration with DARC - Digital Aesthetics Research Center, organised the workshop Another AI: exploring the imaginaries of AI through the DARC Library at Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM, Mexico City, 5-6 December.
  • SHAPE was co-organiser of the symposium The data-driven welfare state? From digitalisation to datafication in collaboration with ADD - Algorithms, Data and Democracy, 17 November. 
  • Anja Bechmann was the organiser of the ECREA post-conference "Digital media and information disorders: Theorizing and investigating influence operations, impact and contextual factors", Aarhus University, 24 October. Read the abstract here.
  • SHAPE was co-organiser of the final conference of the Human Futures research programme AI and the Humanities, 6-7 September. 
  • Anja Bechmann is a member of a new Nordic think tank that will take a closer look at the influence of tech giants on democracy. Read more here.