Aarhus University Seal

NetIAS Debate 2025 “Computational Practices in ‘the Rest of the World’”

In January, NetIAS Debate 2025 took place at AIAS, a day of networking, dialogue, and discussions around the theme of "Computational Practices in 'the Rest of the World'".

On January 15th, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS) hosted the NetIAS Debate 2025 entitled ‘Computational Practices in “the Rest of the World”’, organised in collaboration between AIAS, SHAPE and Bologna Institute of Advanced Studies. NetIAS is the European Association of Institutes of Advanced Studies, and the aim of the debate was to bring together researchers from NetIAS and similar institutions to foster networking, dialogue and discussions of the theme of the debate.

The event follows the NetIAS Debate that took place in Bologna in September 2024. While the Bologna debate, held under the title ‘Generative AI for everyday live and academic research’, had a clear European perspective, the focus of this debate at AIAS was on the ‘rest of the world’.

According to Christian Ulrik Andersen, who helped plan and organise the event, a wide range of topics were covered within the debate theme, such as ‘language technologies (e.g. in Greenland), tracking in Botswana, the relationship between local knowledge and technological models, the use of facial recognition technologies, and the importance of cryptocurrency in El Salvador and Cuba. Perspectives on ‘decoloniality’, collaborations with minority groups in technology and design, and possible alliances between North and South were among the topics discussed.’

As part of the event, Gertraud Koch, known for her work on memory culture and digital anthropology, participated. Gertraud Koch is a professor at the University of Hamburg and has previously collaborated with Rachel Smith, who also spoke at the debate, on the EU Horizon project POEM (Participatory Memory Practices).

It is hoped that the debate will pave the way for new collaborations with the University of Hamburg and the Hamburg Institute of Advanced Studies. See information about all speakers at the debate and the day's programme here.