New publication: Minor Tech
The journal APRJA has recently published an issue on 'Minor Tech' consisting of a series of articles that critically engage with universal ideals and scale in a technological context.

This publication brings together researchers who address the problems of technological scale, thinking through the potentials of 'the minor'; or what is referred to as minor (or minority) tech – small tech that operates at human scale (more peer to peer than server-client) and stutters in its expression and application. As Marloes de Valk puts it in the Damaged Earth Catalog: “Small technology, smallnet and smolnet are associated with communities using alternative network infrastructures, delinking from the commercial Internet.” As such, the publication sets out to question the universal ideals of technology and its problems of scale, extending it to follow the three main characteristics identified in Deleuze and Guattari's essay (Toward a Minor Literature), namely deterritorialization, political immediacy, and collective value.
Publication of Vol 12 No 1 (2023): Minor Tech
The volume contains contributions by researchers from DARC (Digital Aesthetics Research Center) and SHAPE.
A Peer Reviewed Journal About... (APRJA) is an open-access research journal that addresses the ever-shifting thematic frameworks of digital culture. The journal takes particular interest in aesthetic production and artistic research in relation to the broad field of software studies.
APRJA is published by DARC (Digital Aesthetics Research Center), Aarhus University in partnership with transmediale, and hosted by the Royal Danish Library.