Series of seminars will focus on the legal aspects of digital citizenship
In 2023, a new series of seminars will bring focus on the legal aspects of digital citizenship. How do we ensure to uphold legal rights in relation to the increasing digitalization? Researchers from The Department of Law at Aarhus BSS and the research center SHAPE – Shaping Digital Citizenship will bring this question and theme into focus.

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The Danish Government’s digitalization strategy from May 2022 requires a law that supports and help secure “an effective and user-friendly digital administration, an up-to-date frame for use of new technologies, and development of digital solutions with the legal rights of the Danish citizens as a starting point” (Danmarks digitaliseringsstrategi – Sammen om den digitale udvikling, 2022, page 46).
But what is the status of citizens legal rights in the digital transformation of the society? How do we secure digital inclusiveness, and how do we secure the legal rights of the non-trained digital users in a highly digitalized society?
According to Professor MSO Per Andersen and Professor Bettina Lemann Kristensen from the Department of Law, the answer to the question on how we as society make sure to utilize both digitalization, legal rights, and digital citizenship, manifest itself in the concrete solutions being processed in the ongoing digital transformation. "This series of seminars can help gather researchers and practioners, so we can learn from each other and discuss different solutions", says Per Andersen and Betinna Lemann Kristensen.
About the seminars
Four half-day seminars on the tension field of law, digitalization and democracy will be held in the spring and in the fall of 2023. Professor MSO Per Andersen and Professor Bettina Lemann Kristansen from the Department of Law, Aarhus BSS are initiators of these seminars. The aim of the series of seminars is to bring researchers and practioners together to share knowledge and perspectives on both pitfalls and possibilities of the digitalization of the legal frame in the Danish democracy.The project is funded by SHAPE – Shaping Digital Citizenship.
Professor MSO Per Andersen, The Department of Law, Aarhus BSS
Professor Bettina Lemann Kristensen, The Department of Law, Aarhus BSS