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SHAPE awards seed funding to AU projects supporting digital citizenship

Do you need financial support to prolong or strengthen your project, activity, or future event? Is the project working to understand and embrace the development of digital citizenship? The newly established research centre, SHAPE – Shaping Digital Citizenship, at the School of Communication and Culture gives seed funding of up to 100.000 DKK to projects or activities at Aarhus University seeking to understand and support the development of digital citizenship.

Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Foto

Examples of research projects or activities who can apply for seed funding are seminars, conferences or writing groups, but can also be of more interfering or activistic character containing e.g., public involvement or collaboration with companies. Activities involving students can also apply for seed funding.

Though digital citizenship is understood widely in SHAPE, it is not sufficient that a project only uses data to investigate a certain phenomenon.  Whether the project is of analytical or activistic character it needs to curiously approach the connection between data/algorithms and democracy/citizenship to apply for funding. Projects emphasizing interdisciplinarity, or with the goal of achieving external funding, are preferred. 

PhD Students or employees at Aarhus University can apply for seed funding of up to 100.000 DKK. Applications must include a short description of the project/activity including a description of the project’s outcome, as well as a budget. Approx. 2 pages in total.

Applications must be sent by e-mail to shape@cc.au.dk and will be evaluated continuously.

SHAPE – Shaping Digital Citizenship aims to promote democracy and citizenship in a world of data and algorithms. The goal is to generate knowledge at a high international level, but also to contribute to the public dialogue, companies, and the civil society.

SHAPE builds on a strong Scandinavian tradition of interdisciplinarity and research of involvement in democracy and information technology, which since the beginning of the 80s has been in a strong position at Aarhus University. Accordingly, SHAPE has a solid foundation for the making of new realisations, terms and work methods, which can contribute to the use of data and algorithms as means to strengthen and increase democracy and citizenship.

SHAPE is funded by Aarhus University as part of the university’s strategic funds for 2022-2023.

Read more about SHAPE at www.shape.au.dk.