Aarhus University Seal


In collaboration with AIAS - Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, SHAPE frames 5 interdisciplinary and theme-based research projects, each addressing current research topics within the overall theme ‘Democracy and Digital Citizenship’. 


Christian Ulrik Andersen

Christian Ulrik Andersen is an associate professor at the School of Communication and Culture.

During his fellowship, he is working on the project 'Digital aktivisme'.

In SHAPE, part of the projects 'Knowledge Servers', 'Another AI'.

E-mail: cua@cc.au.dk l Tel: +45 87162004

Ilia Utekhin

Ilya Utekhin is a professor.

During his fellowship, he is working on the project 'News flow analytics: A data science method for eliciting censorship and showing bias'.

E-mail: iutekhin@aias.au.dkk 

Janet Frances Rafner

Janet Frances Rafner is a postdoc at the Department of Management.

During her fellowship, she is working on the project 'Human-AI co-creativity to engage policy makers, general public and researchers in societal issues'.

E-mail: janetrafner@mgmt.au.dk 

Iben Have

Iben Have is an associate professor at the School of Communication and Culture.

During her fellowship, she is working on the project 'Resonating synthetic voices and listening citizens: Democratic implications of TTS-assisted communication'.

In SHAPE, part of 'Network for digital vulnerability'.

E-mail: ibenhave@cc.au.dk l Tel: +45 41440047

Jan Løhmann Stephensen

Jan Løhmann Stephensen is an associate professor at the School of Communication and Culture.

During his fellowship, he is working on the project 'Chat Democracy: AI, Democratic Talk, and a New Shared Language'.

E-mail: jloehmanns@aias.au.dk 

Maj Nygaard-Christensen

Maj Nygaard-Christensen is an associate professor at the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences.

During her fellowship, she is working on the project 'Digital service journeys among socially marginalized people'. In SHAPE, part of 'Network for digital vulnerability'.

E-mail: mnc.crf@aias.au.dk l Tel: +45 51536555


Cecilie Eriksen

Cecilie Eriksen is a part-time lecturer at the School of Culture and Society.

During her AIAS/SHAPE fellowship, she worked on the project 'Mapping Movements in the Moral Landscape of the Danish Public Sector'.

E-mail: cee@cas.au.dk l Tel: +45 87164951

Lene Aarøe

Lene Aarøe is a professor at the Department of Political Science.

During her AIAS/SHAPE fellowship, she worked on the project 'Social Media Exemplars and Democratic Citizenship'.

E-mail: leneaaroe@ps.au.dk l Tel: +45 87165705

Lindsay Weinberg

Lindsay Weinberg is a clinical assistant professor at Purdue University, and Director of the Tech Justice Lab.

During her AIAS/SHAPE fellowship, she worked on the project 'From Smart Campuses to Smart Cities: Democracy, Digital Citizenship, and Higher Education'.

Janet Frances Rafner

Janet Frances Rafner is a postdoc at the Department of Management.

During her AIAS/SHAPE fellowship 23/24, she worked on the project 'Human-AI co-creativity to engage policy makers, general public and researchers in societal issues'.

E-mail: janetrafner@mgmt.au.dk 

Nicholas Haas

Nicholas Haas is an associate professor at the Department of Political Science.

During his AIAS/SHAPE fellowship, he worked on the project 'Using AI to Test Effects of Inclusive Narratives on Notions of Citizenship and Support for Democracy'.

E-mail: nick.haas@ps.au.dkTel: +45 87150748