Aarhus University Seal

Digitalization of the courts – the impact on practical legal work


This project involves the creation of a textbook. It is intended as a foundational book providing a basic introduction to what digitalization is and the implications it has for law and practical legal work.

The book's topics span across different areas of law and address digitalization within various forms of practical legal work, such as in public administrative authorities, the legal profession, and the courts. Furthermore, it also addresses more fundamental challenges related to the digitalization of law.

The contributors to the book are leading legal researchers in the field, as well as practitioners with special experience in the respective forms of practical legal work, including lawyers and in-house legal counsels.

The primary target audience is law students and legal professionals who work practically with digitalization or in legal fields where digitalization is occurring or has occurred. Additionally, the book will be relevant for other professional groups working with practical law in contexts where digitalization is involved.

Finally, the book may also be of interest to others who work with or are interested in law from a societal perspective.