Artificial intelligence (AI) and other new technologies are becoming increasingly significant in the Danish education system. Teacher education is therefore faced with both new opportunities and challenges. Technology can enhance learning objectives and create a dynamic interaction between teachers and students, but it also demands a critical and responsible use of technology in teaching.
Thus, there is a need to focus on developing teachers' didactic and technological competencies as well as their ability to reflect critically on the role of technology—all without compromising education, development, and the promotion of empowered citizenship.
The project aims to develop methods that strengthen teachers' didactic competencies and assist them in adapting teaching, so it incorporates the competencies that are important to have in a digitalized society. It also seeks to promote critical reflection, constructive use of AI, and foster dialogue about technology's role and impact on teachers, students, and teaching.
Finally, the project aims to enhance learners' understanding of the opportunities and limitations of technology and promote a balanced use of human and digital resources to develop active digital citizens.
Workshops in primary schools for students and educators
Workshops for the KILU project