Aarhus University Seal

Digital Technologies and Collective Behavior

Digital technologies and their algorithms play an important role in our democracy and for social cohesion. On the one hand, they provide a space for optimising behavior, creating communities and exchanging opinions. But on the other hand, they may also be used as an instrument for strengthening bias, segmentation and discrimination – and for spreading misleading information or even disinformation from influential individuals and coordinated networks, for instance. This project studies and then documents and renders visible such potential collective user behavior patterns.


Anja Bechmann

Professor School of Communication and Culture - Media Studies


Miriam Brems

Postdoc School of Communication and Culture - Department of Media and Journalism Studies

Marina Charquero Ballester

Postdoc School of Communication and Culture - DATALAB - CENTER FOR DIGITAL SOCIAL RESEARCH

Jessica Gabriele Walter

Assistant Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Media and Journalism Studies

Research assistants

Anton Elias Holt

Research Fellow School of Communication and Culture - Media Studies