Aarhus University Seal

Cybersecurity from a humanistic perspective


As a digitalized society, Denmark faces increasing challenges from cyber threats that affect citizens, private companies, and public institutions. These threats range from phishing attacks and ransomware to state-sponsored cyberattacks and cyber espionage.

With the rapid evolution of these threats, there is a growing need for more research and education in cyber and information security. This also extends to the humanities, where there is a lack of humanistic perspectives in the field.


•    How can the humanities contribute to cybersecurity research and education?

This project has two objectives. Firstly, it seeks to uncover insights from humanities research, thereby contributing humanistic perspectives to the field. Secondly, it aims to strengthen the development and integration of the humanities in cybersecurity through interdisciplinary educational activities.


Internal collaborations at AU

External collaborators 

  • Happy42

External funding 

Scientific assistant