Patrick Heiberg Kapsch is new Postdoc in SHAPE
Patrick has joined the research project on Digital Citizenship together with Peter Danholt and Antoinette Fage-Butler. The project aims to deepen our knowledge of how citizenship is affected and transformed by digitalisation and datafication, focusing on the main Danish digital citizen portal

Patrick recently completed his PhD research project at Dept. of Communication, University of Copenhagen. In his PhD, he investigated how people experience algorithms in their everyday media use, especially how Danish media users make sense of and develop tactics in relation to algorithmic systems and their automated operations.
In SHAPE, Patrick will conduct studies to further the theoretical and empirical understanding of digital citizenship in Denmark, focusing on the central Danish digital citizen portal, The project’s primary concern is to deepen our knowledge of how citizenship is affected and transformed by digitalisation and datafication, especially with respect to how vulnerable citizens are affected. The project will include an analysis of the political and technological discourses underlying the history and development of, as well as an investigation of the portal's current digital infrastructure. In addition, the project will include empirical studies of how (digitally) vulnerable citizens experience their encounters with – their experiences and imaginaries about how and by whom they are ‘seen’ by and through, and their thoughts on uncertainties, risks, possibilities and ways of influencing the system. As a result, the project aims to make visible the power and politics of the central digital infrastructure of, thereby making it more accessible to and debatable for the public.